x = independently organized TED event


This event occurred on
June 30, 2024
2:00pm - 6:00pm CST
(UTC +8hrs)
Shanghai, Shanghai

How to explore the hard-to-define women, from traditional culture to contemporary spirit, from relying on others to independent return, from physical sexiness to soul blooming, from passive acceptance to taking the initiative, from the love between two people to the intimate relationship of the whole family... This is a path from the predicament of women to the ideal, and we will discuss it together.

Huangpu Cinema
780 East Beijing Rd
Shanghai, Shanghai, Shanghai
Event type:
TEDxWomen (What is this?)
See more ­T­E­Dx­Huangpu­Women events


Speakers may not be confirmed. Check event website for more information.

Han Chen

Branding & Strategy Director
陈涵拥有超过16年的广告营销行业经验,先后在中美两国多家广告公司从事消费者研究与品牌策略工作。 长期深耕于女性营销领域,与诸多不同品类以女性消费者为主导的品牌合作。通过多年不断的一手市场资料的收集、观察研究分析、与品牌营销策略的产出,对女性消费者洞察与女性营销的趋势演变,有自己的深入思考与见解。 Han Chen has more than 16 years of experience in the advertising and marketing industry, working in consumer research and brand strategy for several advertising agencies in China and the United States. She has been deeply engaged in the field of women's marketing for a long time, and cooperates with many brands that are dominated by female consumers in different categories. Through years of continuous collection of first-hand market data, observation, research and analysis, and the output of brand marketing strategies, I have my own in-depth thinking and insights into the evolution of female consumer insights and female marketing trends.

Hong Zhao

赵宏,中国政法大学法学院教授,研究领域为宪法与行政法学,著名行政法专家。在教学科研之余长期从事公共写作,其出版的《权力的边界》一书获第十九届文津图书奖,获2023年度十大法律图书。 Zhao Hong, a professor at the School of Law at China University of Political Science and Law, specializes in constitutional and administrative law and is a renowned expert in administrative law. In addition to her teaching and research, she has engaged in public writing for a long time. Her book "The Boundaries of Power" won the 19th Wenjin Book Award and was named one of the top 10 legal books of 2023.

Lei Li

Writer & Host
帆书APP《李蕾讲经典》栏目主讲人,前央视主持人,作家。出版畅销书籍有《最是诗经慰人心》《春山可望:十首诗词讲透一个人》《藏地情人》《这个时代的审美》《妖祥门》《美是步履不停》等。 《李蕾讲经典》栏目聚焦在人文经典领域,讲书内容主要包括世界名著、国风经典、中国现当代经典以及经典人物传记,目前已解读160多本中外经典好书,栏目有550万书友订阅,播放量破2亿。

Li Tong

Director of Training Department of Chinese Sexology Association
中国性学会培训部主任、党支部书记 《中国性科学》杂志编委 情感自媒体博主“性学研究僧” 国家二级心理咨询师,专职性教育工作者。 获得毕业华中师范大学人类性学方向硕士研究生、美国南加州大学(USC)大学人性光辉性学培训认证、美国性教育与性治疗协会(AASECT)项目认证、美国加州整合学院(CIIS)整合性学认证、荷兰科学性学会Nvvs认证 曾获得推动中国性教育发展杰出贡献奖和中华红丝带基金会专家之星等称号;出版性教育科普图书《高质量亲密关系》。2023年联合百度百科出版《18岁要知道》性教育科普图书。

Sicheng Chen

陈思呈,作家,现居广州。作品:《我虚度的那部分世界》、《一走就是几万里》、《私城记》等。在《文汇报》、腾讯大家等栏目长期开设专栏。 Chen Sicheng is a writer living in Guangzhou. Works: "My wasted part of the world", "A walk is tens of thousands of miles", "Private City Story" and so on. In the "Wen Wei Po", Tencent and other columns for a long time to set up columns.

Tianci Chen

Writer & Entrepreneur
著有《我的姑姑三毛》。东吴大学学士,美国萨凡纳艺术与设计学院艺术学硕士。三毛侄女,今年热衷于三毛文化的推广与传承,在世界各地推广三毛文化事业。 Chen Tianci is a writer and entrepreneur. She is the author of My Aunt Sanmao. B.S. from Soochow University, M.S. from Savannah College of Art and Design. Sanmao niece is keen on the promotion and inheritance of Sanmao culture this year, and promotes the Sanmao cultural cause around the world.

Tianlu Han


Wanlu Zhang

Founder of A Popular Underwear Brand in China
运动时装品牌@PomPeche彭派奇 联合创始人 荷兰男士潮牌内衣@Adam中国区 CEO&创始人 阅臀无数,打造销量超100w+条的高端男士内裤 原《尚 · 大学》大学生时尚消费杂志创始人 曾就职于Panasonic松下大阪总部 负责集团家电大事业部全球营销增长 国际4A日本电通广告公司快消品牌创意设计及营销策略

Wenjuan Liu

复旦大学附属中山医院心理医学科 主治医师 综合医院心理科临床、教学、科研、科普工作20年,致力成为温暖、智慧、有力量,会用药更会做心理治疗的精神科医生!

Xiaocao Lin

Singer & Producer of Chinese Music Geography

Yier Luo

Curator, Researcher & Founder of Art Talk Show
独立策展人、跨文化研究者 艺术脱口秀创始人 敦煌文化守望者 曾任职中华艺术宫国际部 著有书籍《敦煌遇见卢浮宫》

Organizing team


Shanghai, China